Other readers have used many adjectives to describe Sam; words like ugly, hideous, freakish, gross, cute, disgusting. But no one ever described him as forgettable. Live on, old Sam. I'm sure you're the handsomest dog in Doggie Heaven.
Ryder is one of our cats. He originally belonged to my mother-in-law. She had a hard time deciding on a name for him. She toyed with "Nickel" and "Baby" but neither name felt just right. The Ryder Cup golf tournament was held in Rochester that year and finally she decided on "Ryder Cup." Ryder soon made it apparent that he was of royal standing and thus became SIR RYDER OF CUPP.
I can understand why his owner fell for him. How could you not love him? Poor wee thing.
How do you do, interesting information you have presented here. I enjoyed passing time by reading your blog.
Aloha (meaning bye for now),
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