Friday, October 21, 2005

My " Blonde Cat" - Shasta Yvonne Russostein

In addition to Sir Ryder, we have a feline princess who also lets us live with her. Her name is Shasta with no royal title. Shasta came into our lives a few months after we lost another cat. Even though she was about a year old then, she was a very confused cat and remains so today. As I wrote on my other blog:

Not long after getting our white cat, Shasta, I came up with the theory that white cats are the equivalent of blondes. Just as the blonde who didn't make ice cubes because she didn't have the recipe, Shasta struggles through life without the benefit of a User's Guide. She tries to bury her food and water and never buries you-know-what. She has a hard time making decisions. Every day, it takes several tries of peering out the door before she decides to go out. But in spite of her difficulties, she is a devoted sidekick and I love her dearly.


The Complimenting Commenter said...

A very cute cat. I love the blonde analogy. Very funny stuff.

Tricorum Satisdee said...

I also have a white cat, and I wholeheartedly support your theory that they are blondes fo the feline world.

Bonnie said...

My lilac point Siamese was the same way--not totally blonde, but blonde enough apparently. A love, but little on the brainless side...