Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Who is Sir Ryder of Cupp? He is a black and white cat about eleven years old and lives with us.

Ryder originally was a dog substitute for my mother-in-law. He decided she needed a nurse more than a dog and took over that duty for the last couple of years of her life. Walking was difficult for her so Ryder would walk in front of her, constantly looking over his shoulder and adjusting his pace for her. She couldn't hear well so if the doorbell or phone rang, he would run to the location and wait for her to come.

My mother-in-law couldn't decide on a name for him. She toyed with the idea of "Nickels" or "Baby" but neither felt just right to her. His arrival coincided with golf's Ryder Cup tournament in Rochester that year. So Ryder it was. And is.

After her passing, Ryder came to live with us. We had lived next door and were in and out all the time so he knew us well. Before long, he became my husband's nurse and was right at home.

He is unashamed of his menial occupation with nursing but also lets us know (frequently) that he is of royal blood and must be treated accordingly; thus, the full title Sir Ryder of Cupp.

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