Monday, October 15, 2007

Latest Pet Rage?

ABC News reports that miniature pigs are being bred at a farm in Devon, England. The little piggies are said to be ideal pets and easy to house train. The breeder tries to sell the porkers in pairs so they will have the companionship of their own kind. The farm has a website at The little guys look adorable.


Anonymous said...

Mini piggies?!?!?! That's so freakkiiinnng cutee! I hope they're all going to good homes though.

Chandira said...

Cute though they are, I hope they don't catch on. Specially bred miniatures of any animals always have health problems! I have friends who work with special breed dog rescue shelters here in Seattle, and it's always the same story. And with pigs, the owners then decide they're not so cute when they grow up, and they always end up in shelters or worse. If people want a pet that badly that they'd pay for specially bred pigs, they should just go to the shelter and pick up a nice friendly low-maintenance kitty. Like yours, your cats are beautiful!

I am against breeding when there are so many perfect pets in shelters needing good homes.

They are pretty cute though!!! :-)